Monte San Angelo

St. Angelo Castel is an old fortress, where old walls standing still. A town in Southern, Italy in the province of Foggia.  Home of Santuary of Sant’Angelo, an underground church.  Rich in history and its like a secret town.

Lucky enough, after an overnight stay in San Giovanni Rotondo: The Shrine of Padre Pio,  and before going to Roam in Rome,  we had a sidetrip to this old town.

It is believed many years ago, when a nobleman of this small village lost the best bull in his herd, he went searching for it and found the bull kneeling in a deserted cave.  The cave was inaccessible and bringing the animals along is a misery.  The nobleman shot an arrow at it but the arrow turned around and struck him instead.  Surprised by the event, the man went to see a local Bishop for advice.

The Bishop was uncertain of the story of the nobleman. Whether this was true or not, he ordered 3 days of prayer and fasting. St. Michael appeared to the Bishop, however he had his doubts about the apparition.  He think he is dreaming and decided to ignore it.

Few years later, a city in Bishop’s diocese was threatened by pagans, St. Michael appeared again to the Bishop and promised that the city would be spared if the people would attack the enemy in faith.  Again the Bishop is in doubt and did not build a church on the site.

The following year, before the anniversary of the apparition, the Bishop appealed to the Pope for guidance.  The Pope ordered the Bishop along with some other Bishops and Priests to go to the cave for 3 days of prayer and fasting,  The Bishop did not go inside the cave but prayed at the entrance and once again saw Saint Michael appeared in front of him.  He ordered the Bishop to enter the cave.

On the 3rd day, St Michael appeared to the Bishop saying:  “I am Michael the Archangel am always in the presence of God.  I chose the cave as sacred to me.  There will be no more shedding of bull’s blood.”  Then the rocks open widely.  “The sin of men may be pardoned.  What is asked here in prayer will be granted.  Therefore, go up to the mountain cave and dedicate it to the Christian God.”  

Today, masses are held regularly by pilgrim groups and anyone who wish to enter.  I am so blessed that I experienced hearing a mass at the main altar with my fellow co-pilgrimage members.  Another mass was offered in another smaller chapel down under the cave with a smaller rocky steps. It is solemn and voice echoed like an angel singing throughout the mass.  It is so cold down there especially in the morning or late afternoon to evening.





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